Beiträge in referierten Zeitschriften
- Eichholz, J., Hoffmann, N., & Schwering, A. (2024). The role of risk management orientation and the planning function of budgeting in enhancing organizational resilience and its effect on competitive advantages during times of crises. Journal of Management Control, 35 (1), 17-58.
- Brück, C./Knauer, T./Schwering, A. (2023). Disclosure of value-based performance measures: evidence from German listed firms, Accounting and Business Research, 53 (3), 671-698.
- Ewelt-Knauer, C./Schwering, A./Winkelmann, S. (2022). Doing Good by Doing Bad: How Tone at the Top and Tone at the Bottom Impact Performance-Improving Noncompliant Behavior, Journal of Business Ethics, 175 (3), 609-624.
- Schwering, A./Sommer, F./Uepping, F./Winkelmann, S. (2022). The social-psychological perspective on executive compensation: evidence from a two-tier board system. Journal of Business Economics, 92 (2), 309-345.
- Ewelt-Knauer, C./Schwering, A./Winkelmann, S. (2021). Probabilistic Audits and Misreporting – The Influence of Audit Process Design on Employee Behavior. European Accounting Review, 30 (5), 989-1012.
- Ewelt-Knauer, C./Schwering, A./Winkelmann, S. (2021). Wirksamkeit der Kontrollen im Corporate-Governance-System der Sparkassen. Zeitschrift für Gemeinwirtschaft und Gemeinwohl (ehemals: Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen), 44 (2), 280-300.
- Brück, C./Knauer, T./Meier, H./Schwering, A. (2021). Self-set salaries and creativity. Journal of Business Economics, 91 (1), 91-121.
- Bergmann, M./Brück, C./Knauer, T./Schwering, A. (2020). Digitization of the budgeting process: determinants of the use of business analytics and its effect on satisfaction with the budgeting process. Journal of Management Control, 31 (1-2), 25-54.
- Ewelt-Knauer, C./Schwering, A./Winkelmann, S. (2019). Corporate Governance in Sparkassen - eine anreiztheoretische Analyse der Vergütung der Sparkassenvorstände in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen, 42 (4), 358-375.
- Brück, C./Ludwig, J./Schwering, A. (2018). The use of value-based management in family firms. Journal of Management Control, 28 (4), 383-416.
- Schwering, A. (2017). The influence of peer honesty and anonymity on managerial honesty. Journal of Business Economics, 87 (9), 1151–1172.
- Liessem, T./Schedlinsky, I./Schwering, A./Sommer, F. (2015). Budgetary slack under budget based incentive schemes – the behavioral impact of social preferences, organizational justice, and moral disengagement. Journal of Management Control, 26 (1), 81-94.